Developed in partnership between Phimetrics (India) and QosI (France).
Want to know which is the best carrier wherever you are? To choose better, use Qosbee!
Qosbee offers a free personalized comparison of the performance of mobile operators in France and abroad. Easy to use and fun, Qosbee instantly offers:
• To discover the best network around you in one click
• To compare performance for one or more addresses: at home, at the office, in the gym ... wherever your go!!
• To test your mobile network and get clear and accurate information about the potential of your connection.
By analyzing your connection with Qosbee, you will contribute to the collaborative inputs of the information database of the algorithm for all users.
* Free *
* Fun *
* Instant *
* Collaborative *
The application provides information, comparison and classification services, based on criteria of a purely technical nature. These criteria consist mainly of:
- data from technical measurements of rate, delays for web browsing or streaming on YouTube transmitted by users of the Qosbee application;
- an algorithm developed by Qosbee;
Excluding any consideration of elements constituting the price of the services offered by the mobile operators referred to (such as the amount of the subscription, additional costs), elements of a contractual nature (such as the content of the Service offer or contract duration, etc.)
The Qosbee application does not fully reference all existing mobile network operators or their offerings and only compares:
- A limited number of performance indicators;
- relating to mobile network operators;
Information, comparison and ranking services are not intended to provide an exhaustive overview of all the services offered on the market as a whole. The Qosbee mobile application does not provide any advice on the final choice of a mobile network operator.
The user is also informed:
- there are no contractual or capital relations between Qosbee and the referenced mobile operators (other than possible subscriptions to fixed or mobile telephony or internet access services);
- that Qosbee does not receive any remuneration for this service from the mobile operators referred to;
- that the results of the comparison and ranking services are to evolve continuously, depending on the input of crowdsourcing data.